Swedish Residence

Our new center was inaugurated 29 october, 2010 by the Swedish Ambassador Mrs Malin Kärre and Sameh Egyptson, CEO of Egyptson Group AB.
In a suburb to Cairo, Shubra al-Kheima which is an underdeveloped society with a high poverty rate, we now completed what we call Swedish House where we plan to pursue the following:
Swedish House is a five storey building, situated in Shubra al-Kheima, a poor and polluted area in a suburb to Cairo. Here we initiate
Last announcements

Scandinavian - Swedish Culture Center and Swedish House in Cairo are NGO organisations accoring the Egyptian law and are branch for the Swedish Euro - Arab Diallogue Institute
Art Exhibition

by swedish artist of art
Kicki Hankell
Exhibition at the
Scandinavian Culture Center in Cairo
Read more


Conferenece about The Swedish Model
Scandinavian Culture Center is organizing a number of political seminars on “The Swedish Model”. Main topics will be the Swedish welfare-state, democracy, the transparency of public authorities in, Sweden, minorities and religious diversity.
A number of representatives from the Swedish parliamentary parties are also participate in this project, presenting their ideology and their political profile. Following representatives will participate in the seminar:

Egyptian Syndicate of Journalists
Euro - Arab Dialogue Institute
in Sweden and its branch in Cairo
Scandinavian - Swedish Culture Center
Protocol in english
Protocal in arabic |
Swedish Culture Center
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The center is a meeting place for Egyptians, who wants to know more about Scandinavia, and where Scandinavians working in Egypt, can meet and develop contacts in Cairo.
We want to increase the knowledge about the Nordic countries for Egyptians, and for Scandinavians to know more about Egypt. The Center offers seminars, conferences, art exhibitions and film-documentaries about the different Scandinavian forms of government, culture and arts.
The Center has a library, a gallery and is the only institution in Africa and Middle East which offers teaching in the Swedish, Danish and Norwegian languages. The Center also has teaching in Arabic for foreign students at Swedish House.

Swedish Residences
We offer high quality residences in our building Link

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